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Wettbewerb WRO International Final 2024
Kategorie / Altersklasse RoboSports / RoboSports

Games of the team Japan Shukugawa the 3rd

Team 1 Team 2 Game winner
Japan Shukugawa the 3rd : Spain LAS VANDELVIRA 2.0 Shukugawa the 3rd
Japan Shukugawa the 3rd : Philippines MNHS ROBOTICS TEAM Shukugawa the 3rd
Japan Shukugawa the 3rd : Philippines MNHS ROBOTICS TEAM MNHS ROBOTICS TEAM
Hong Kong HK-FarmlandUnionofHK : Japan Shukugawa the 3rd ## TIE ##
Japan Shukugawa the 3rd : Panama Sunscrew Drivershine ## TIE ##
Japan Shukugawa the 3rd : Saudi Arabia Genius Robot - KSA Shukugawa the 3rd
Hong Kong HK-FarmlandUnionofHK : Japan Shukugawa the 3rd Shukugawa the 3rd
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