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Wettbewerb Deutschlandfinale
Kategorie / Altersklasse RoboSports / RoboSports

Games of the team GymSAB Robo Guards

Team 1 Team 2 Game winner
Honeydew SystemY : GymSAB Robo Guards Honeydew SystemY
Leonardos : GymSAB Robo Guards GymSAB Robo Guards
GymSAB Robo Guards : Honeydew SystemF Honeydew SystemF
GymSAB Robo Guards : FranziRobots 1 FranziRobots 1
GymSAB Robo Guards : GymSAB Photon Robo GymSAB Photon Robo
Leonardas : GymSAB Robo Guards ## TIE ##
FranziRobots 2 : GymSAB Robo Guards FranziRobots 2
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