Premium Partner

RoboMission Scoring

Wettbewerb WRO International Final 2022
Kategorie / Altersklasse RoboMission / Senior
Day Day 1
Run 1

# Aufgabe Jeweils Summe
Doing the laundry
Laundry block completely in laundry area but not in a container or on top of a container 6 0
Laundry block inside the laundry container of the non-matching color and the laundry container is still completely inside the laundry area 10 0
Laundry block inside the laundry container of the matching color and the laundry container is still completely inside the laundry area 16 0
Bring water to the rooms (white block in front of the room, max. one per room counts)
Water is completely in the correct room but not on the table 6 0
Water element partly or completely in a wrong room indicated by the marking blocks -6 0
Water is on the table in the correct room, not standing, not damaged and the table is still inside the dark grey area. 10 0
Water is on the table in the correct room, standing, not damaged and the table is still inside the dark grey area. 14 0
Play a game (green block in front of the room)
Ball inside the game net (only one ball per net counts) 13 0
Park the robot
Robot stops in the Start & Finish Area
(only if other points, not bonus, are assigned)
13 0
Get bonus points
Per person that is not moved or damaged 4 24
Per game net that is not moved or damaged 2 8
Per table that is not moved or damaged 2 8
Überraschungsaufgabe 0
Gesamtpunktzahl 40
Zeit in Sekunden

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