Premium Partner

Regular Category Scoring

Wettbewerb WRO Online International Final
Kategorie / Altersklasse Regular Category / Senior
Team Yolo TEAMS
Day Day 1
Run 2

# Aufgabe Jeweils Summe
Establish energy supply (max. 4 units in a house, if more units are inside one house, no points for house and units will be awarded)
Energy unit completely in a house but not matching the energy identifier color for that house or the surplus energy source. 2
Energy unit completely in a house
  • matching the energy identifier color for that house or
  • matching the color of the surplus energy source
Correct configuration of energy supply for a house (4 energy units completely in the house, at least one color per energy identifier and possibly of the surplus energy and no units of the wrong color in the house) 12
Store remaining energy units (points for max. 4 units)
Energy unit is completely inside the storage battery and the fence is not moved (touching outside the light grey area) and not damaged (at least one piece broken) 5
Turn the solar cells
Solar cell completely inside the lighter yellow area the solar cell is standing with studs on top. 10
Park the robot
Robot completely stops in the Start & Finish Area
(only if other points, not bonus, are assigned)
Get bonus points
Hydro power plant fence is not moved or damaged. 12
Wind turbine not moved or damaged. 3
Zeit in Sekunden

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