Premium Partner

RoboMission Puntaje

Evento WRO International Final 2022
Categoría/ Grupo de edad RoboMission / Senior
Equipo The Ultrasoniscists
Día Día 1
Ejecutar 2

# Tareas Cada una Total
Doing the laundry
Laundry block completely in laundry area but not in a container or on top of a container 6
Laundry block inside the laundry container of the non-matching color and the laundry container is still completely inside the laundry area 10
Laundry block inside the laundry container of the matching color and the laundry container is still completely inside the laundry area 16
Bring water to the rooms (white block in front of the room, max. one per room counts)
Water is completely in the correct room but not on the table 6
Water element partly or completely in a wrong room indicated by the marking blocks -6
Water is on the table in the correct room, not standing, not damaged and the table is still inside the dark grey area. 10
Water is on the table in the correct room, standing, not damaged and the table is still inside the dark grey area. 14
Play a game (green block in front of the room)
Ball inside the game net (only one ball per net counts) 13
Park the robot
Robot stops in the Start & Finish Area
(only if other points, not bonus, are assigned)
Get bonus points
Per person that is not moved or damaged 4
Per game net that is not moved or damaged 2
Per table that is not moved or damaged 2
Regla sorpresa
Regla sorpresa
Total de puntos
Tiempo en segundos

Gold Partner
Silver Partner