Premium Partner

RoboMission Puntaje

Evento WRO International Final 2022
Categoría/ Grupo de edad RoboMission / Junior
Equipo Roboage
Día Día 1
Ejecutar 2

# Tareas Cada una Total
Find and extinguish the fire
Water object completely in a room with a fire object
(max. one water object per room counts)
Water object in a room without fire or more water objects than fires in the room -3
Move the chemicals out of the factory
Chemical object completely outside of the factory (and not in secure storage area) 8
Chemical object completely inside the secure storage area 12
Find people in the factory
Marking block is completely inside the correct square identifying a person object in the corresponding-coloured factory room 19
Crossing uneven ground factory
Crossing the “Crossing A” or “Crossing B” completely, defined by driving through the full area (identified by the two lines before and after). Points are only awarded once per crossing area and if the obstacle wall was not moved or damaged. 15
Park the robot
Robot stops in the start & finish area that was not the start area of the competition day
(only if other points, not bonus, are assigned)
Get bonus points and avoid penalties
Per fire and person object that is not moved or damaged 5
Per factory wall that is not moved or damaged 6
Obstacle wall that is moved or damaged -12
Regla sorpresa
Regla sorpresa
Total de puntos
Tiempo en segundos

Gold Partner
Silver Partner