Premium Partner

RoboMission Puntaje

Evento WRO International Final 2022
Categoría/ Grupo de edad RoboMission / Elementary
Equipo Robotic Panthers
Día Día 1
Ejecutar 2

# Tareas Cada una Total
Save ladybugs
Ladybug completely outside route area & standing in an upright position. 5 0
Cut high grass
Top of the grass is no longer touching the grass element and the base of the grass element is still touching the grey area 7 0
Collect bad weeds
Bad weed element is completely inside the collection point 1 9 0
Bad weed element is completely inside the collection point 2 12 0
Activate service point
Service point correctly set up, at least 9 fences standing and base of service point completely in grey area 17 0
Park the robot
Robot stops in the Start & Finish Area
(only if other points, not bonus, are assigned)
14 0
Get bonus points
Fence that is not moved or damaged 2 22
Regla sorpresa
Regla sorpresa 0
Total de puntos 22
Tiempo en segundos

Gold Partner
Silver Partner