Premium Partner

Regular Category Puntaje

Evento WRO Friendship Invitational 2019 Denmark
Categoría/ Grupo de edad Regular Category / Junior
Equipo MK 14
Día Día 1
Ejecutar 2

# Tareas Cada una Total
Red / Yellow / Blue / Green smart bulb:
  • Standing in the correct colored room
  • Completely in AREA 1 or AREA 2
Red / Yellow / Blue / Green smart bulb:
  • Not standing but in the correct colored room
  • Completely in AREA 1 or AREA 2
Red / Yellow / Blue / Green smart bulb:
  • Standing in the correct colored room
  • Partly in AREA 1 or AREA 2
Red / Yellow / Blue / Green smart bulb:
  • Not standing but in the correct colored room
  • Partly in AREA 1 or AREA 2
Black (old) bulb:
  • Standing inside the Trash Area
  • Completely in the Trash Area
Black (old) bulb:
  • Not standing inside the Trash Area
  • Completely in the Trash Area
Black (old) bulb:
  • Not standing or Standing inside the Trash Area
  • Partly in the Trash Area
Robot completely stops within the Start & Finish Area.
(only if other points are assigned)
Robot damages or displaces a wall from its initial position. -15
Regla sorpresa
Total de puntos
Tiempo en segundos

Gold Partner
Silver Partner