Premium Partner

RoboMission Puntaje

Evento WRO Open Championship For The Americas
Categoría/ Grupo de edad RoboMission / Elementary
Equipo Little Dragons
Día Día 1
Ejecutar 3

# Tareas Cada una Total
Collect ripe and rotten vegetables
Red vegetable completely in market area 11
Red vegetable partly in the market area 4
Yellow vegetable completely in the compost area 11
Yellow vegetable partly in the compost area 4
Water thirsty vegetables and prepare farming
Water element is touching the green square around a green vegetable and the green vegetable is still touching the green square as well (max. one water element per green square counts) 10
Earth block is no longer touching any green square area 3
Bonus for Fences & Chicken
Chicken is not damaged or moved 3
Fence is not damaged or moved 3
Regla sorpresa
Regla sorpresa
Total de puntos
Tiempo en segundos

Gold Partner
Silver Partner