Premium Partner

Regular Category Puntaje

Evento WRO Online International Final
Categoría/ Grupo de edad Regular Category / Elementary
Equipo Space Beavers One
Día Día 1
Ejecutar 2

# Tareas Cada una Total
Install solar cell
Solar cell completely inside the correct blue area and studs on top. 10
Remove old light bulbs
Red light bulb outside of the big yellow square and not inside the recycling center. 6
OR: Red light bulb completely inside the recycling center. 8
Install energy saving light bulb
White light bulb completely inside the big yellow square. 10
Place smart home device (only one smart home device per room)
Smart home device in a room with a red light bulb at the start of the round and without an energy saving light bulb. 3
Smart home device in a room with a red light bulb at the start of the round and with a correctly placed energy saving light bulb. 7
Park the robot
Robot completely stops in the Start & Finish Area
(only if other points, not bonus, are assigned)
Get bonus points
Barrier is not moved or damaged. 2
Yellow light bulb is not moved or damaged from the starting position. 2
Regla sorpresa
Regla sorpresa
Total de puntos
Tiempo en segundos

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